温嘉杰先生荣获韩国 K-DESIGN AWARD 设计大奖

温嘉杰先生荣获韩国 K-DESIGN AWARD 设计大奖

广东省美学建筑设计研究院-温斯顿建筑设计事务所的作品《童梦异想-Childlike Dream Sales Center》荣获了备受瞩目的K-DESIGN AWARD 2021设计奖。这项世界级设计大奖备受韩国的关注,也是韩国公认的最高工业设计类奖项之一。我们非常自豪地宣布,该作品在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出,成为仅有11%参赛作品能够获得的殊荣。

《童梦异想-Childlike Dream Sales Center》是由温嘉杰先生设计的一座令人惊叹的建筑。该建筑以童真和梦幻为主题,通过独特的设计理念和创新的建筑技术,将人们带入一个充满奇思妙想的世界。这座销售中心不仅令人印象深刻,还展示了设计师对于建筑美学的深刻理解和创造力。

温嘉杰先生荣获韩国 K-DESIGN AWARD 设计大奖

K-Design Award International的评选过程非常严格,它不仅仅注重作品的造型简单性和复杂性,更加关注设计实现创意的具体化以及为产品创造潜力赋予真正的价值。因此,获得该奖项的作品都具备了出色的设计理念和创新的实现方式。

《童梦异想-Childlike Dream Sales Center》的荣获,再次彰显了广东省美学建筑设计研究院-温斯顿建筑设计事务所在建筑设计领域的卓越能力和创造力。这个项目以童真的梦境为灵感,将梦幻与现实相融合,打造出一个令人陶醉的销售中心。通过细腻的设计和精湛的工艺,该作品为人们提供了一个独特的空间,让人们仿佛置身于童年的梦境中。

温嘉杰先生荣获韩国 K-DESIGN AWARD 设计大奖


创意  |  极简  |  全新的生活方式温嘉杰先生荣获韩国 K-DESIGN AWARD 设计大奖






Focusing on modernist private residential design and research, it creates a highly architectural and spatial mobility residence for private owners. Years of development, the company’s business covers high-end private housing, real estate, creative office, public space, cultural tourism planning, commercial clubs and other buildings, interior and software design.

During the development of its space design, the team carried out the “design integration” project in 2020, and at the same time developed special work to improve the industrial format such as product design and construction plan landing, and launched the lifestyle brand “Jiaye”, the construction of the whole planning brand “Aesthetic Construction”, and established a complete design service system that integrates private residential design.

We are committed to building the concept of living where people and spaces are one by designing spatial experiences and lifestyles. It’s not an easy journey from an idea to the final show, you just need to take a step, the distance in between, and let’s cross.

温嘉杰  |  Winston



历年来,创始人兼创意总监温嘉杰先生所带领的设计团队分别获得美国BLT | 法国NDA | 美国MUSE | 美国TITAN | 意大利A Design Award | 美国IDA | 韩国K-DESIGN | 北美PI | 香港GOLDENCROWN | APDC亚太区室内设计精英邀请赛 | 等数十个国际奖项。其中已在全球主流媒体平台gooood谷德设计网、DINZ德国室内设计网、ELLEDECO家居廊、安邸AD、营造家等发布项目。


Creative Director of Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts and Architectural Design

Founder of Winston Architects

Over the years, the design team led by Mr. Wen Jiajie, the founder and creative director, has won dozens of international awards such as BLT in the United States, NDA in France, MUSE in the United States, TITAN in the United States, A Design Award in Italy, IDA in the United States, K-DESIGN in Korea, PI in North America, GOLDENCROWN in Hong Kong, and APDC Interior Design Elite Invitational Competition in Asia Pacific. Among them, it has been released on the global mainstream media platform gooood Gude Design Network, DINZ German Interior Design Network, ELLE DECO Home Gallery, Andi AD, Builder and other projects.


温嘉杰先生荣获韩国 K-DESIGN AWARD 设计大奖





Official Accounts:W+Architects Design

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